Monday, June 15, 2015

York Comprehensive High School (South Carolina) admin cowards claimed a students Old Glory flag mounted to his truck was against school policy. Told him to not come back to school with it on his truck. Then they effed up, and dismounted it from his truck. 2 things you don't effing touch, a guys truck, and his flag.

Initially, school district officials told students (Wednedsday May 13th) that they couldn't have any physical flags on their cars because of safety. Administrators said it was a pre-existing policy that was announced again Wednesday.

The school leaders called it a safety concern. "Anytime you get a flag of any kind flying, it creates a visual distraction," said York Comprehensive High School Principal Christopher Black.

18-year-old Peyton Robinson told WBTV Wednesday night that a school administrator told him remove the American flag and the POW-MIA flag, which he has in the back of his truck.

"He said we're having some issues. Some people were complaining about the flags in your truck, possibly offending them. He asked me to take it down," Robinson said.

"I'd understand if it was the Confederate flag or something that might offend somebody," Robinson said. "I wouldn't do that. But an American flag - that's our country's flag. I have every right to do it. I don't see a safety issue. I mean I understand it's a big flag - it's 4 by 6 - but nobody has ever complained about it being in their way or anything."

According to Robinson, a school administrator told him to remove the flags when he got home, and not come back to school with them.

But the 18-year-old said before the school day was over on Wednesday, a school official went to Robinson's parked truck, removed the bolts that secured the flags to the truck, took the flags down, and "laid my flags down in the middle of my truck when I wasn't even there."

The senior took to social media and posted about the incident on his Facebook page. Fellow students vowed to stand with Robinson, flying flags on their cars when they arrived at school Thursday morning.

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